I have an ASUS laptop, with Windows 7. Screen turned 90 degree, how to restore

Question: I have an ASUS laptop, with window 7. While doing an alt back pg motion i hit the wrong thing and the screen has turned 90degrees to the left.

I can only access the computer through the guest account because the admin is locked, and this also seems to have adjusted the keyboard keys, and definitely has changed the mouse directions... it doesn't go where you think it will when move it.

HELP!! lol

Answer: You can restore your laptop screen back to normal display mode by pressing Ctrl+Alt+Up Arrow key in Windows 7 and earlier Windows operating system.

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Majid M. Z.

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Dec 16, 2011
bigger notebook schreen NEW
by: Anonymous

my asus laptop with microsoft is acting strange,its
schreen has turned like +50 and my whole laptop's schreen has turned bigger .
please help me i pressed something wrong.

please i need help.


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